Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mexico here I come!

So the past few weeks have been so crazy. I had finals and then went to utah for a few days and then started class up a week before everyone else, so I didn't get a break between semesters, so I'm so sick of school but Mexico is so worth is. Well last week was not too bad, Rexburg was pretty empty but I had a lot of homework and one friend that had stayed so I stayed pretty busy. This week I am homeless, so I'm sleeping on Britney and Courtney's couch. Their roommates are so cool and I wish when I came back I could stay here again but I'll be at Heritage again and hopefully I'll have cool roommates. My friend Meaghan is coming up to see me this weekend and Britney, Courtney, and I are so excited. This will be the first time we're all together in so long! And then saturday night I leave for Mexico and I'm so ready to get out of here, today on my way home from class it was so cold and it was snowing and all I could think about was that in just a few days I will be so hot and hopefully getting tan. So I'll be in Mexico for the next month and then when I get back I get to go to DC and see the family and some friends before my second block classes start, it's gonna be sweet. But then I have to come back to Rexburg and I'm just hoping winter will be over, but I talked to one of my friends that has done the Meso America tour and he said one year it was still snowing after they got back, I'd be so sad. Well there's nothing really new just class and lots of homework and well of course playing, but most of my friends from last semester aren't here and it's not really worth meeting too many people since I'm leaving so soon. But well it's me so I still am meeting some people, and suprisingly enough a lot of them have been girls (I know big shocker, it's not perminent though).

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Count Down...

3 days till I'm done with classes
4 days till I go to Utah
8 days till I start Mexico classes
20 days till I go to Mexico
52 days till I go to DC