Saturday, October 4, 2008


So me being well me I change my plans so much! Vegas was so fun and I loved it but I am now in Rupert Idaho with Grandma. I help her out but I feel like I'm the one really getting the best part of the deal... I get to hear all kinds of stories, learn to cook, relax when needed, just take a drive around town with her, and oh so much more. It's been really fun but I am getting so excited for Shantel to come join me in November!!! We both will stay with Grandma and help out until a week before Thanksgiving. Then I'm going to Dacia's to watch the kids and then spend Thanksgiving with all of them and Shantel is off to travel the world some more (yes I am jealous I wish I was going with her), she's going to equador. After Thanksgiving well I haven't decided yet... I might go back to Vegas until Christmas or I might just hop around and visit those I can before I go home. Well I am having a blast with Grandma during the week and since Rexburg is close enough I come here on the weekend (the first weekend I just relaxed and such, last weekend I got here around 10am and as I pulled in my friend invited to go to Montana for a football game and so I hopped in the truck and we were off, this weekend I was supposed to go to SLC but plans changed last minute and it didn't work out so I am in Rexburg and holy cow it is a ghost town). It's been so fun coming to Rexburg though cause I have some really good friends that I was missing so much and now I get to see them every weekend :) Well that's about everything... I miss everyone so much and love ya lots. The other day we made apple pie for conference Sunday (Jessica and her husband went to visit Grandma and oh how excited she's been). Well I don't know how it tastes, hopefully it's edible, but here's how it looked.


Jessica said...

Kariana, thank you so much for all you do for Grandma. She was telling me stories of the things you do together, it makes her so happy! It is so nice of you to go up there for so long, it means a lot to those of us who can't. THANK YOU!!

karen garner said...

what wonderful memories you're making - since we moved when you were 8 years old I didn't think you'd get this bonding with Grandma - what a blessing you are to her life!!!

Dacia said...

Fun times! The kids have been asking for the countdown for you coming! We are getting more and more excited!

MaryAnne and Thayne said...

You are so lucky!! Love the picture of you two together keep them coming.

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

How fun that you had this time with G'ma Garner to learn about this things from her directly. What a rare gift few of us will ever have!