Sunday, November 18, 2007


So my job is going good and I'm excited for thanksgiving because even though I won't be able to go home I'll still be able to be around family, but I sure wish I was gonna be around the family since most of them won't be around for Christmas.
Anyways... this weekend I went into the city, so I left bright and early and took the train in. Once there I met a group of young single adults that are in my friends stake, the Scranton PA Stake. We walked around the city see historical/mormonie sites. I have a terrible memory but I do remember a few: we saw the oldest remaining building in NY and the other thing I remember is the newpaper building, the newspaper was called The Mormon. It was after the mormons were already out west but the press in NY was still speaking ill of the mormons so The Mormon began. Another interesting fact I learned was about the mormon characters that were created, it only had 13 characters and they published the Book of Mormon with it (they didn't know anything else about it, like what happened to it and such). After the historic tour we went to lunch in China Town and then to the NYC temple to do baptisms for the dead, it was way awesome (I also bumped into my old Bishop and my mom and dad's good friends the Brabys who live in New Jersey). Afterward my friends, Meaghan, and I just chilled in the city and then hitched a ride with Brett and Erin who also went to do temple work.
Sat. night we went to a yound single adults dance which was well a dance, we were uber later because we stayed in the city so long and well it was a dance so it was fun, I guess, lol.
So that was my eventful weekend:)


karen garner said...

I haven't left a comment in a while so I wanted you to know how much I love your blog. It is so fun to read what you're doing after hearing it on the phone and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures.
Miss you to pieces, love, mom

The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

Sounds like you visited some interesting spots. Keep us "posted" on what you are doing. ;)

The McGraths said...

I'm glad you got to go to the temple there. I've always wanted to but everytime I go to NY it's for a very short period of time. I hope the next time I'm there I can go. You sound like you are really enjoying the City.