Monday, February 25, 2008

62 Days till Mexico but who's counting?

Brett wanted me to put a picture of my black eye up (from jumping off my apartment, so worth it) and well it's not a very good one and my room mates say it was a lot worse then this picture seems but I don't think it was all that bad.
Brett also informed me that it has been a while since I posted anything. And well there's a good reason, this past week was half way through this semester so every teacher decided to pile on the projects. Pluss I started a job, I do custodial work on campus from 4am to 7am mon through fri, yes it's early and no it has not affected my night life yet but I haven't been doing it long enough, and once it starts taking time away from my evenings (because I'm so dang tired) then I might have to look into other options. But it's a good job, pretty easy and pays better then any of the other jobs I've been looking at. Considering the fact that I was already tired all the time I have now become more of a zombie and my days seem to smush together and I can't remember when I did what or when I supposed to do what. So I live for the weekends even more!

Well nothing too exciting has happened recently cause I've been too busy to want to do much, whenever I have some free time I either take a nap or just relax with my friends because I takes way too much effort to do anything else. But last sat I went rock climbing and it was fun but I was too worn out to truely enjoy it:/ but the sat before I did go snowboarding and it was amazing (I wish I could go all the time and get good at it!).

Well I noticed my last post was on valentines day and I thought I would mention my evening sure ended up looking up... I went and got dinner with my room mates boyfriend and then went to the library to print stuff off, little did I know they were trying to keep me away from the apartment for a bit. My friend had bought balloons and candy and put them in my room while I was gone and then when I got home he was just chilling on my couch, so I went to put my coat in my room and realized why he had been there, it was pretty cute.

So I have started count downs again...

hopefully 12 days till I take a trip to Utah

hopefully 33 days till I get to go see the family for Cache's blessing

**45 days till The Office starts up with new episodes

45 days till winter semester ends

62 days till I leave for Mexico

93ish days till I go to DC!

100ish days till I go home and have to work my butt off:(

WOW! I'm so excited for the next few months!!!


Brett said...

Are you crazy??? Rob a bank or something, but don't work from 4 am to 7 am... Sleep is too important.

karen garner said...

I loved all your countdowns (especially the one to go see Cache so I get to see you).
Very clever to list them all.